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Dental Clinic in Alcala de Henares

Telephone. 918 302 901

Dental Aesthetics

Dentista Alcala Henares |Clinica Dental Estetica Blanqueamientos Dientes Carillas Porcelana Eliminacion Manchas Malformaciones Dentales

The smile is one of the most important aesthetic factors related to the individual. Did you know that by looking at a person, unconsciously we looked at the eyes first and then the teeth? A nice smile is crucial to social unfold, labor and personally. Besides through the years of practise, a beautiful and attractive smile provides a positive image and helps the individual to feel more confident about himself.

Through the an orthodontic treatment, veneers ( thin slices porcelain covering the front tooth, indicated to correct changes in color, shape and position of the anterior teeth) and porcelain crowns You can achieve an ordered mouth, healthy and harmonious.

Besides through the years of practise, the tratment of Dental whitening that we offer at the La Garena Dental Clinic, It is great to recover the healthy look in the teeth, of the patient. You may boast of whiter teeth and a dazzling smile. This treatment does not damage the teeth and it is based on the action of molecules derived from carbamide peroxide. These molecules are able to "get" inside the tooth enamel and whiten through (by an oxidation process) dark dentin (internal) which it is what gives the color to the tooth.

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