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Dental Clinic in Alcala de Henares

Telephone. 918 302 901

Speech patterns Stimulation

These are some speech stimulation guidelines in children that the speech therapist our clinic in Alcalá de Henares performed on children and toddlers:

• Help your child associate words with objects, figures, Actions.
• When I speak to you, try to face yourself, so that he can see his eyes and his mouth.
• Motivate the child to become interested in communication (speak, even if I don't do it right).
• Don't insist on repeating to improve pronunciation. be a good language model: speak clearly and slowly.
• Quickly and correctly repeat what the child has just said inappropriately..
• Use simple language when talking to your child, short sentences and words and structure with easy to understand sentences.
• Expand the telegraph sentences expressed by the child by adding the missing word or words while repeating them.
• Describe or narrate what the child is doing or what is being done at the time it occurs.
• Respect conversational turns in the family.
• Read stories aloud frequently.
• Provide the child with toys, objects, illustrated pictures and stories to stimulate communication.
• Reward the child's language efforts.

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